Friday, April 23, 2010

Connors Bestie

For some reason in our family we all have a "bestie." It is always one of the adults and than one of the kids that make up a bestie. My bestie is my niece Olivia and my moms bestie is my niece Annie and so on. We even made up a bestie day and all got together and got are bestie a present. Well Connor has definitely chosen his bestie and its my dad. Connor loves his Grandpapa as he calls him!!! Whenever my dad walks in the room, not matter what Connor is doing he stops, runs up to my dad and wraps his arms around him and almost tackles him to the ground. Connor doesn't say to many words but right away he picked up grandpa and even adds a few papas to it.

Vacation at home

Some pictures from last week. Steph and Brandon were down and Jared took the week off work!!I am pretty sure I gained 5 pounds but it was so worth it. We ate out as much as possible, played games, went to the movies and enjoyed all being together. Sense Jared works 2 jobs he leaves at 7:00 am and gets home a little before midnight so to have him home all week long was such a treat!!

sing it baby

Connor's favorite thing to do is play the piano at my mom's house. He is so funny because he has to have the Children's song book up so he can play and passionately belt out all the songs!!!

ELMO or momo as Connor says

All of Connor's little boy dreams came true last week when we went Sea World and ran into this guy!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

the past two years...

For some reason all the pictures went in a weird order but it is still fun to look at all the different stages over the past two years. Connor turned two today and I fully plan on doing a big birthday post but I felt that I had to post something on his actually birthday. Connor is one of a kind and I am so glad he's mine and Jared's too I guess!!