Friday, May 21, 2010

Funny faces

This is the look Connor gives me about 20 times a day. He makes it when hes happy, sad and mad so it means whatever you want it to mean. If you could smell through your computer you would smell the best smell in the world. A cute boy fresh out the bath, baby lotion on, hair combed and clean jammies. I know hes not a baby but seriously nothing smells better than Johnsons baby lotion.

Summer time

We have had such a fun week!! We have had some beautiful weather this week and have taken full advantage of it. My dad found the most amazing new park. The playground equipment is state of the art and the best part is the spray zone!! It entertains Connor for so long and the best part is its FREE FUN!! I am excited for all of the new fun stuff Connor will get to do this Summer. Last Summer he was still to little to fully enjoy the perks of living in California in the summer time. His first new thing of the Summer was his very own Rite Aid ice cream cone. He's shared with me before, but this time he got his very own. I put my OCD to the side and he actually did really good with it. My mom sat in the back with him just in case though!! We have gone to the park like everyday this week and on Wednesday we were lucky to have Connor's buddy Erek come with us too!! Im so glad Connor has such a good little buddy from church! Plus I love hanging out with his mamma!! Im so glad that Connor gets to hang out with Erek so much and I get to spend time with EmaLee!! It's nice to have a friend who just gets you. Connor and I were lucky to find you guys!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers day

Mothers day is such a great idea. A day were hopefully moms get to sleep in, be served breakfast in bed and be treated like a princess. For me I love Mothers day because I get to have a whole day were i think about how lucky I am to be the momma of this little guy!

My stupid computer wont let me load up another picture but imagine a picture of my mom right here. Mothers day also gives me whole day to think about how lucky I am to have this lady be my momma. I can't even start to express what she means to me. She is the most loving, compassionate, caring, selfless, sassy and beautiful lady I know. I hope someday I can be just like her.
Happy Mothers Day to my Mom, my grandma, Emily, Amy, Kyle, Deanne and all my little mommy friends. I love you all!

My own Mr. Schuester

I love the show GLEE. I guess you could even call me a gleek. One of my reasons for loving it would be the teacher on it Mr. Will Schuester. He is beautiful and of course my main reason for loving him is his voice. If you watch the show you know he typically always wears a button up white shirt with the sleeves rolled, a tie and a vest. When I was getting Connor ready for church I had Will in mind and I think I did a pretty good job. Mr. Schuester is cute, but he has nothing on my Connor.

Flower fields

I thought it would be fun to take Connor to the flower fields in Carlsbad. One of his favorite things to do its smell things. Im not kidding the only way I get him to be good for me at Target is because I tell him we can go smell the candles if he stays in the cart. I know it's a little weird. I was slightly disappointed because you can't really be in the flowers you just walk by them. Which makes sense because obviously if everyone walked through the flowers they would all be dead. But still I had this idea of him being able to run freely smelling and loving the flowers. He still had fun though and he managed to steal one flower. I figured sense it cost 10 bucks to get in, they owed at least one flower!!!

All in all it was a fun experience but from now on we will just look at the flowers as we drive down the road. Its actually cooler to see it from Palomar airport road than to get out and walk around.